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Invoice and Payment Management 

The Client:

A mid-sized trading company that registers over 1500 invoices and payment transactions on a monthly basis. 

The Problem:
  • The client had two disintegrated data sources - the invoice data and the payment receipts. When customers made lumpsum payments, the client had to manually set-off payments received against invoices using the FIFO method.

  • This process was tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone.  There was no as-on-date report that indicated how many invoices were due and how many were settled. 

Our Solution:

We set up a clear reporting system that streamlined invoices and payments reconciliation by integrating data sources, automated payment allocation against due invoices, and providing as-on-date company and customer wise reports. 

Our dashboard had 2 screens -
1.  Billing and Receivables Overview - It provided an overview of billings, payments received and balance due at company and customer level.   



Some of the key metrics were- 

  • Total Billings, Total Receipts and Amount Pending till date

  • Balance pending from top 7 Customers 

  •  Further drill down that provided detailed monthly reports on cumulative billings and outstanding balances of the selected customer. 

2. Invoices Paid and Unpaid : This view provided in-depth analysis of invoices, lump-sum payments received and how many invoices were set-off against those payments. 

in 2.png

Some of the key metrics displayed here are: 

  • Total Billings, Amount Received and invoices set-off using FIFO method. 

  • Payments against specific invoices 

  • Invoices ageing analysis

Our Impact: 
  • The time taken to reconcile the invoices and payments received went down from a month to being available on demand

  • Our solution led to a significant positive impact on cash flow by reducing working capital requirement by $600k per annum


Project Discussion 








Handover &

Manual Training


Day 2


Day 1


Day 7


Day 10


Day 11


Day 13

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