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A few comprehensive reports we've built for our clients :

A multinational home appliances company faced a huge challenge consolidating recruitment data from multiple sources.

We developed a Power BI dashboard to automate data collection, identify key metrics, and provide a clear overview of recruiter performance.

Recruitment Analytics
Complexity :
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A prominent Indian bank faced challenges in tracking and analyzing its L&D initiatives from multiple offline and online training programs.

We developed a comprehensive Power BI dashboard to streamline data management, uncover hidden insights and provide a centralized view to track organization wide L&D analytics. 

L&D Dashboard
Complexity :
Invoices and Payment Management 
Complexity :

A mid-sized trading company struggling with manual invoice and payment reconciliation was provided with a streamlined solution. By integrating disparate data sources and automating payment allocation, we created a comprehensive dashboard that offered real-time insights into billing, receivables, and invoice settlement. 

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