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Recruitment Analytics  

The Client:

A prominent Indian multinational home appliances company, operating from four key locations with a global footprint spanning 18 countries and a workforce exceeding 4000 people.

The Problem:
  • Consolidating and Cleaning data from Multiple sources: With data coming in from several sources including job requisition software, multiple Google Sheets with candidate interview data, hiring platform data in Excel or CSV formats, individual managerial assessments, and subscription fee records, the real challenge was to grip this data inconsistency and compile & clean this fragmented data. Despite dedicating a full-time team to data consolidation and cleaning, even the most basic reports required a substantial time investment, consuming approximately 50 hours per week.

  • Error Prone Manual Analysis: Since data from multiple scattered sources was wrangled and cleaned manually, it led to errors in calculations which made the end result less reliable.  

  • No birds-eye view of overall recruiters' performance: All analyses were ad-hoc, without a unified overview, which led to trouble seeing the big picture of how all recruiters were doing, making it tough to pinpoint where they needed support or extra training.

Our Solution:

A Comprehensive Power BI Dashboard that addresses pain points by:

  1. Creating a centralized system for automating and gathering data from fragmented sourcesA comprehensive template was developed to ensure consistency in data collection from recruiters. We built a system to gather, clean and automate existing and new data ready to be used for analysis. 

  2. Identifying  and Calculating the most important KPIs / metrics : We divided the recruitment Analysis into 3 phases : Job Requisition , Candidate Interview and Recruitment Cost phase. ​

  3. Building an Impactful Dashboard : We gave a "priority vs detail" analysis to every single metric in a way where the most important numbers stood up on the top to business leaders, and further drilling would help them delve deeper. With this, we were able to offer a holistic view of recruiter performance which enabled them to identify performance gaps.


We’ve kept the dashboard clean and minimal, take a look:


Screen 1 - Recruitment Position Analysis


➜ Job Requisition KPIs: Positions, Hires Completed, Balance Hires, % Completion, Offered but not joined, Hiring Cost, Applications, Hire Days v/s Target Hire Days, Backed and Rejected.

Screen 2- Interview / Application Analysis

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➜ Candidate Interview KPIs : Last CTC and CTC Offered, CTC Growth, Delta from the Average CTC, Cost of each hire.

Screen 3- Hire Cost Analysis

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➜ Recruitment Cost KPIs: Candidate Hire Cost, Indirect Portal / Service Cost, Hire Cost / Candidate, Hire to Application Ratio.

Our Impact: 
  • Time Saved: The company was able to cut down 50 manual work hours in a week and was now able to focus on taking strategic decisions on data.


  • Keeping the numbers straight: They were able to minimize manual data entry errors through automation and standardized formats by simply employing our template. ​


  • Zeroed down on the most important numbers that a business should track - Business leaders were now taking a look at critical KPIs that would help them manage the process more efficiently.


  • On demand targeted tracking and analysis on our dashboard proved to be the key to unlocking their recruiters' full potential.


  • The management now had a more holistic view - our visualizations acted as the catalyst for rapid and confident decision-making.


Project Discussion 








Handover &

Manual Training


Day 2


Day 1


Day 7


Day 12


Day 16


Day 18

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